Thursday, May 19, 2011

Shutter Speed

I want to first start off by explaining the title of this blog. If you saw Shutter Shot, and were like WTF, well now you'll understand it. But you still need to work on watching your language.

Shutter speed is how fast the shutter on your camera opens and closes. Now lets focus on just this, and again, we will be fitting the pieces of the puzzle together in a future blog post. Now the speed of the shutter does a few things. For one, a slower shutter speed lets in more light than a faster one. Pretty simple right. The longer the shutter stays open, the more light that comes in. But there are a few other things that could happen. For one, bugs could get in(yes that is a joke). No but seriously, a slower shutter speed creates motion blur. Take a look at the two images below. The first one taken at a relatively fast shutter speed. The second, at a considerably slower one.

1/125th of a second

1/6th of a second
Now if that thing of yours you call a brain is any good at math, you will clearly see that the second image was taken at a slower shutter speed. And if you notice, the second image has motion blur, while the first one is still. Now don't look at how much light was let in or anything like that. Just focus on the concept, and the rest will be tied in earlier.

As always, feel free to comment below or e-mail me if you have any questions.

Hope this helps

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